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The number of term predictions.

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If specificity data is avaliable then this displays the top 5 specific predictions, otherwise it just displays the top 5 predictions.

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A measure of the relative position in the GO hierarchy showing how specific a term is. A value of 100% implies that the GO term is the most specific form whereas a value of 0% implies that the GO term is one of the three roots of the Gene Ontology with only terms below it. A tilda (~) infront of the percentage implies that the value shown has been rounded and is not exact.

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The Gene Ontology hierarchy and Gene Ontology name of the term. The hierarchy is specified by the abbreviations BP for biological process, CC for cellular component and MF for molecular function.

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Gene name and rank of (up to) top 10 genes annotated with the GO term for the primary species.

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For further information on how to interpret these results please access https://meme-suite.org/meme/doc/gomo-output-format.html.
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Investigated Motifs


Top 5 specific predictions 
crp Missing Motif crp Logo 13 BP carbohydrate transport
MF sugar transmembrane transporter activity
BP cellular carbohydrate catabolic process
MF intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, interconverting aldoses and ketoses
BP cellular macromolecule catabolic process
nagC Missing Motif nagC Logo 9 BP biofilm formation
BP peptidoglycan biosynthetic process
BP peptidoglycan-based cell wall organization
MF hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds
narP Missing Motif narP Logo 10 BP anaerobic respiration
MF molybdenum ion binding
BP cytochrome complex assembly
BP chemical homeostasis
BP cellular homeostasis

Motif crp

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GO terms are shown in grey if a more specific GO term was also significantly associated with this motif. The most specific GO terms are shown in black.
BP stands for biological process, CC stands for cellular component and MF stands for molecular function.

GO term 
GO name 
Gene ID / Rank (2518 genes in total)
GO:0044248 1.341e-06 5.615e-07 4.553e-04 ~1% BP  cellular catabolic process deoC (25), fucP (51), fucA (52), uxaC (64), exuT (65), tdcA (71), rhaB (83), araB (144), fruB (147), fruB (148), ...42 more...
GO:0009056 8.869e-07 5.615e-07 4.553e-04 ~0% BP  catabolic process deoC (25), iraP (37), fucP (51), fucA (52), uxaC (64), exuT (65), tdcA (71), rhaB (83), araB (144), fruB (147), ...49 more...
GO:0008643 1.075e-04 5.615e-06 3.035e-03 ~4% BP  carbohydrate transport fucP (51), malK (138), malE (139), ulaA (174), xylF (179), idnD (198), yjjL (824)
GO:0051119 2.285e-04 1.797e-05 5.463e-03 ~5% MF  sugar transmembrane transporter activity fucP (51), glpT (99), malK (138), malE (139), xylF (179)
GO:0044275 2.652e-04 2.021e-05 5.463e-03 ~7% BP  cellular carbohydrate catabolic process fucP (51), fucA (52), rhaB (83), araB (144), fruB (147), fruB (148), nagB (153), xylA (178), idnD (198), nanA (201), ...10 more...
GO:0015144 2.665e-04 2.021e-05 5.463e-03 ~3% MF  carbohydrate transmembrane transporter activity fucP (51), glpT (99), malK (138), malE (139), ulaA (174), xylF (179), ycaI (1391)
GO:0016861 3.954e-04 3.200e-05 7.415e-03 ~14% MF  intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, interconverting aldoses and ketoses fucP (51), uxaC (64), rhaB (83), srlA (111), araB (144), nagB (153), xylA (178), hisL (641), yihU (858), rpiB (897), ...3 more...
GO:0016860 4.737e-04 4.323e-05 8.764e-03 ~4% MF  intramolecular oxidoreductase activity fucP (51), uxaC (64), rhaB (83), srlA (111), araB (144), nagB (153), xylA (178), hisL (641), yihU (858), rpiB (897), ...4 more...
GO:0016052 5.421e-04 5.053e-05 9.106e-03 ~3% BP  carbohydrate catabolic process fucP (51), fucA (52), rhaB (83), araB (144), fruB (147), fruB (148), nagB (153), ybjQ (158), xylA (178), idnD (198), ...14 more...
GO:0009057 5.850e-04 5.615e-05 9.106e-03 ~2% BP  macromolecule catabolic process iraP (37), fucP (51), fucA (52), rhaB (83), araB (144), fruB (147), fruB (148), nagB (153), ybjQ (158), xylA (178), ...20 more...
GO:0016853 7.322e-04 7.748e-05 1.142e-02 ~1% MF  isomerase activity fucP (51), uxaC (64), yqcC (77), rhaB (83), srlA (111), araB (144), nagB (153), xylA (178), nanA (201), nanC (239), ...27 more...
GO:0044265 8.893e-04 1.028e-04 1.389e-02 ~6% BP  cellular macromolecule catabolic process fucP (51), fucA (52), rhaB (83), araB (144), fruB (147), fruB (148), nagB (153), xylA (178), idnD (198), nanA (201), ...13 more...
GO:0019321 1.272e-03 1.909e-04 2.382e-02 ~16% BP  pentose metabolic process fucP (51), fucA (52), rhaB (83), araB (144), xylA (178), rbsD (364), aldA (1071), yiaK (1938)

Motif nagC

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GO terms are shown in grey if a more specific GO term was also significantly associated with this motif. The most specific GO terms are shown in black.
BP stands for biological process, CC stands for cellular component and MF stands for molecular function.

GO term 
GO name 
Gene ID / Rank (2518 genes in total)
GO:0051704 1.801e-04 3.088e-05 3.407e-02 ~0% BP  multi-organism process srlA (79), solA (181), yjbE (305), bhsA (376), ymgC (387), dcuB (442), yihR (478), hlyE (536), ttdA (588), zwf (720), ...3 more...
GO:0042710 4.020e-04 6.738e-05 3.407e-02 ~15% BP  biofilm formation srlA (79), solA (181), yjbE (305), bhsA (376), ymgC (387), dcuB (442), yihR (478), ttdA (588), ymgA (821), yjiP (889), ...1 more...
GO:0009252 8.308e-04 1.516e-04 3.407e-02 ~89% BP  peptidoglycan biosynthetic process mltB (78), mltA (98), mipA (128), mraZ (166), zwf (720)
GO:0007047 8.308e-04 1.516e-04 3.407e-02 ~37% BP  cellular cell wall organization mltB (78), mltA (98), mipA (128), mraZ (166), zwf (720)
GO:0031504 8.308e-04 1.516e-04 3.407e-02 100% BP  peptidoglycan-based cell wall organization mltB (78), mltA (98), mipA (128), mraZ (166), zwf (720)
GO:0009273 8.308e-04 1.516e-04 3.407e-02 ~29% BP  peptidoglycan-based cell wall biogenesis mltB (78), mltA (98), mipA (128), mraZ (166), zwf (720)
GO:0042546 8.308e-04 1.516e-04 3.407e-02 ~8% BP  cell wall biogenesis mltB (78), mltA (98), mipA (128), mraZ (166), zwf (720)
GO:0016798 1.101e-03 2.066e-04 3.611e-02 ~1% MF  hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds chiA (11), uidA (95), mltA (98), essD (386)
GO:0004553 1.101e-03 2.066e-04 3.611e-02 ~2% MF  hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds chiA (11), uidA (95), mltA (98), essD (386)

Motif narP

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GO terms are shown in grey if a more specific GO term was also significantly associated with this motif. The most specific GO terms are shown in black.
BP stands for biological process, CC stands for cellular component and MF stands for molecular function.

GO term 
GO name 
Gene ID / Rank (2518 genes in total)
GO:0009061 3.737e-04 5.109e-05 4.964e-02 ~54% BP  anaerobic respiration fdnG (3), nirB (9), narG (21), frdA (25), dmsA (32), torC (228), lldP (715), narZ (798), zwf (2156), ...1 more...
GO:0045333 5.182e-04 7.692e-05 4.964e-02 15% BP  cellular respiration fdnG (3), nirB (9), narG (21), frdA (25), dmsA (32), torC (228), sdhC (672), lldP (715), narZ (798), cyoA (984), ...5 more...
GO:0030151 6.633e-04 1.140e-04 4.964e-02 100% MF  molybdenum ion binding fdnG (3), narG (21), dmsA (32), torC (228), narZ (798)
GO:0015980 9.717e-04 1.797e-04 4.964e-02 ~6% BP  energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds fdnG (3), nirB (9), narG (21), frdA (25), dmsA (32), torC (228), sdhC (672), lldP (715), narZ (798), cyoA (984), ...6 more...
GO:0006091 9.717e-04 1.797e-04 4.964e-02 ~4% BP  generation of precursor metabolites and energy fdnG (3), nirB (9), narG (21), frdA (25), dmsA (32), torC (228), sdhC (672), lldP (715), narZ (798), cyoA (984), ...6 more...
GO:0017004 1.063e-03 1.993e-04 4.964e-02 ~46% BP  cytochrome complex assembly napF (1), fdnG (3), narG (21), cydA (609), sdhC (672)
GO:0043623 1.063e-03 1.993e-04 4.964e-02 ~9% BP  cellular protein complex assembly napF (1), fdnG (3), narG (21), cydA (609), sdhC (672)
GO:0042592 1.382e-03 2.847e-04 4.964e-02 ~1% BP  homeostatic process aqpZ (28), nhaB (30), adiC (60), gadB (80), mscS (155), gadA (255), adiA (370), nhaA (532), kefA (565), mscL (821), ...3 more...
GO:0048878 1.382e-03 2.847e-04 4.964e-02 ~2% BP  chemical homeostasis aqpZ (28), nhaB (30), adiC (60), gadB (80), mscS (155), gadA (255), adiA (370), nhaA (532), kefA (565), mscL (821), ...3 more...
GO:0019725 1.382e-03 2.847e-04 4.964e-02 ~4% BP  cellular homeostasis aqpZ (28), nhaB (30), adiC (60), gadB (80), mscS (155), gadA (255), adiA (370), nhaA (532), kefA (565), mscL (821), ...3 more...

GOMo version:
5.5.6 (Release date: Wed Jun 19 13:59:04 2024 -0700)

Input Data:
go-term-sequence mapping: bacteria_escherichia_coli_k12_1000_199.na.csv
scored sequence file: ama.xml

Command line summary:
This information can also be useful in the event you wish to report a problem with the GOMo software.


Seed: 2039504627

Significance Threshold: 0.05