GT-Scan finds optimal targets for genome editing or regulatory interference using CRISPR/Cas or zinc-finger nuclease systems.
INPUT_SEQUENCES motif_databases INPUT_MOTIFS MOTIF_DISCOVERY MEME STREME XSTREME MEME-ChIP GLAM2 MoMo MOTIF_ENRICHMENT SEA CentriMo AME SpaMo GOMo go_databases Discovered_motifs Enriched_motifs Annotated_motifs sequence_databases MOTIF_SCANNING FIMO MAST MCAST GLAM2Scan MOTIF_COMPARISON Tomtom Genomic_loci T-Gene Annotated_sequences Aligned_motifs Target_genes Web Tools Schema

Development of the MEME Suite was funded by grant R01 GM103544 from the National Institutes of Health.

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