Specify a file to upload containing sequence coordinates in BED format. The file must be based on the exact genome version you specified in the menus above.
Select an available sequence database from this menu.
Select an available version of the sequence database from this menu.
Select an available tissue/cell-specificity from this menu.
Selecting this option will filter the sequence menu to only contain databases that have additional information that is specific to a tissue or cell line.
This option causes MEME Suite to use tissue/cell-specific information (typically from DNase I or histone modification ChIP-seq data) encoded as a position specific prior that has been created by the MEME Suite create-priors utility. You can see a description of the sequence databases for which we provide tissue/cell-specific priors here.
Note that you cannot upload or type in your own sequences when tissue/cell-specific scanning is selected.
Enter text naming or describing this analysis. The job description will be included in the notification email you receive and in the job output.
Please enter the sequences which you believe share one or more motifs.
The sequences may contain no more than 60,000 characters total and must be in FASTA format.
See the example protein sequences which were used to create the sample_output.
This is the minimum aligned sequence count. It must be at least 2.
GLAM2 allows you to set limits on the number of "key positions" (the aligned columns) in motifs. GLAM2 automatically adjusts the number of key positions so as to maximize the alignment score, but it sometimes has trouble with this. You can help GLAM2 by changing the initial number of aligned columns to a ballpark value. You can also set lower and upper bounds on the number of aligned columns in the motif.
Note that the minimum possible value for aligned columns is 2 and the maximum possible value is 300.
Both protein and DNA motifs are often shorter than the default maximum number of aligned columns (50). It is often advisable for you to reduce that parameter to a much smaller value (in the range 10 - 20).
This is the deletion pseudocount. It must be larger than zero.
This is the no-deletion pseudocount. It must be larger than zero.
This is the insertion pseudocount. It must be larger than zero.
This is the no-insertion pseudocount. It must be larger than zero.
The number of alignment replicates performed.
The maximum number of iterations without improvement that GLAM2 attempts.
Checking this box instructs GLAM2 to NOT check the reverse complement of the input sequences for motif sites when reading sequences using the DNA or RNA alphabet.
Note: When your sequences are RNA, you should select this option to ensure that only the given strand is searched for motifs.
Checking this box causes GLAM2 to shuffle each of the primary sequences individually. The sequences will still be the same length and have the same character frequencies but any existing patterns will be obliterated.
Using this option repeatedly you can get an idea of the E-values of motifs discovered in "random" sequence datasets similar to your primary dataset. This can help you determine a reasonable E-value cutoff for motifs discovered in your unshuffled primary sequence dataset.
Checking this box causes GLAM2 to include the input sequences in the output so that your query can be easily resubmitted and modified. This will increase the size of your output HTML file substantially if your sequence data is large!